13.07.2013, ASKÖ, Hopsagasse 5, 1200 Vienna
The "Barbecue Soccer Tournament" was organised by L´Amicale Bana Brazza Organise and the soccerteams were: "Schmetterling/Nigeria", "Icory Coast", "Cameroun" and "Congo".
When I arrived the venue at Hopsagasse I was happy because this time around I had a young friend assisting me. My joy was short lived because the "Schmetterling/Nigeria" coach saw us and immediately kidnapped my photography assistant to play in their team.
So I walked to the soccer field alone and met Ursula the founder of "Verein Schmetterling".
I was glad to have met her because she told me a lot of inside secrets about what had happened at the past African league in Vienna, which made us laugh a lot and I was excited about the first match. My lips are sealed about the past African league, it will remain a secret.
To make it short, the best description of the soccer tournament would be to publish the 10 rules here. But be aware that, I was very influenced by team "Schmetterling/Nigeria" so my report is not neutral and when you are not a humorous person I would suggest that you just stop reading right here and enjoy the pictures. I am sure the teams Cameroon, Ivory Coast and Congo took the tournament seriously.
The rules of the tournament:
Rule #1: "The taking of the team photo is more important than the start of the soccer game!"
Even when the referee wanted to blow his whistle to start the match. NO!... hilarious that every player wanted be in the right position, every detail had to be specific and their flag was to be positioned perfectly for the team photo. So one of the games was delayed. I did not count the players from Cameroon during their matches but in the team photo there were only nine players???
Rule #2: "The "Schmetterling/Nigeria" coach found a new energy drink for his players!"
When the water got finished he put his hands into the wonder bag and the Energizing "Gambrinius" appeared and was welcomed by his players. Seemed to have helped a lot though, the first game was lost, thereafter the players were doped with "Gambrinius" and the second match was a draw. But is "Gambrinius" not on the doping list? Anyway.
Rule #3: "Where are my soccer boots?"
Their uniforms were in perfect condition, shiny and ironed but what had happened to the soccer boots of "Schmetterling/Nigeria"? One player or coach had come straight from party; the kidnapped player did not come prepared without boots and one player simply forgot his at home.
Rule #4: "When you get kicked in your "Golden Nuts" you have no choice but to leave the game!"
"Party Lion, Player and Coach" of "Schmetterling/Nigeria" changed his uniform with another player while the game was still on.
Rule #5: "When in need of a goalkeeper, just borrow a goalkeeper from the other team!"
And the best part: this goalkeeper will have shoes!
Rule #6: "Don´t forget your roots!"
So it was not surprising that the player #10 from team "Schmetterling/Nigeria" wore his uniform styled as if in the early HIPHOP years.
Rule #7: "The soccer ball is the most worth full element on the soccer field!"
It does not matter how far it was kicked and where it landed. Yes, some of the players are ball-artists and of course it happened that the ball was kicked far away like the surrounding railway-tracks or the highway or just high in the trees. The ball must be brought back but who will bring it back? About this topic long discussions started.
Rule #8: "The groupies, cheerleaders and fans must also be dressed up prettier than soccerplayers that are in their uniforms!"
Many at times it felt as if I was at model casting instead of being on a soccerfield.
Rule #9: "'Haute couture fashion' is a must for the coaches!"
Let me report: The coach of "Ivory Coast" was dressed in Armani T-Shirt, Dolce Gabbana Watch and finest italian leather shoes. The coach of "Schmetterling/Nigeria" was dressed in T-shirt from Basry, short was from Basry and socks was (guess what?) yeah, right also from Basry.
But the coach from "Schmetterling/Nigeria" won the fashion challenge with his invisible shoes and the accessories kit: A pack of "Marlboro" and of course the "Gambrinius".
Rule #10: "A soccer tournament can´t be finished in one day!"
So after four matches the referee stopped the games for the day and the players could relax and enjoy the barbecue. Suddenly "Gambrinius" changed to "Guiness". Cheers!
OK,… now one of the secrets and a unofficial rule (so keep it quiet, pssssst!!!):
When a player gets a red card from the referee he then leaves the soccer field, changes his uniform shirt to a new number on his back and returns back to the match.
The Table:
(Well I am guessing and not really sure watt the results were, lol)
#1: Ivory Coast (one victory, one draw)
#2: Cameroun (one victory, one loss???)
Congo (one victory, one loss???)
#4: Schmetterling/Nigeria (one loss, one draw)
We had the privilege of getting to know Mrs. and Mr. Biko Botowamungu much better, they are very nice, down to earth people and open for every joke. Respect! And we say: Happy holiday DJ Willy!
Don´t miss the re-matches of the four teams on the 15th August 2013 and we all hope team "Schmetterling/Nigeria" get some rockets under their butterfly-wings.
Photos & Text by Yeke