There are singers, who show their talents during casting shows and there are singers who have the talent to live in the music and don´t need any casting shows to share their natural given talents. Akua Naru is simply one of them.
This empress has the love, for the notes of music, that run from the tips of her dreadlocks to her toes. Seeing her performing on stage was a joyous occasion. She lived in the music and was in unity with the audience, spreading her vibes deep into the venue.
Akua Naru is an MC that flows with her words over the beats with smooth ease. She gives the audiance time and space to listen and daydream falling into another world. Then suddenly without foreseeing the heightening tempo, the beats and her words become louder and ends at a height of energy. Absolutely great.
Describing her style is not an easy task, the influences in her music vary, which make her sound so intriguing. Of course the most influences comes from HipHop, Soul, Jazz and African Music.
The Viennese massive have some kind of resistance for artists at times and this time I was surprised that the concert was entirely sold out. The most positive aspect, was the great vibe, singing, dancing and amity of the massive.
Before the concert I'd known 2 songs by Akua Naru, but now it´s a must for me to get her latest LP "The Miner's Canary" and listen to the lyrics and music in a chillin atmosphere.
We like to say thank you to Isabelle from "Isilistening, Music Poetry Basket" for bringing artists to Vienna, which are excellent performers and live in the music during their shows.
Written by: Yeke, Photographs & Videos: Yeke