Kulturwoche der Afrikanischen Studenten in Österreich

  • Written by 
  • Sunday, 13 April 2014 12:43
(2 votes)


04.04.2014, AAI, Vienna

Die VAS Kulturwoche bietet Studenten und allen anderen die an afrikanischer Kultur, Integration, Afrikas Geschichte und eine bessere Zukunft für Afrika interessiert sind, durch vielfältige und exotische Aktivitäten alles, um den Kontinent Afrika in der Öffentlichkeit vorzustellen.

Theater, Sketches, Afrikanische Filme, Konzerte, Musik, Kunstausstellungen, gemeinsames Kochen, Sport, Workshops, Tanz, Afrikanische Maler, Kunsthandwerk aus Afrika, Vorträge, Exkursionen und Modeschauen. Durch diese Aktivitäten werden die sozio-kulturellen, politischen und wirtschaflichen Gegebenheiten gezeigt.
Wir wollen den Kampus während einer Woche im Rythmus Afrikas zum pulsieren bringen. Um die Gesichter Afrikas ohne der üblichen Klichees, Steriotipen und Vorurteilen zu zeigen.

The line up of festivities for the evening was great at the Cultural week held by the African Student Associations, Comedian Simplice Mugiraneza and artist HAJAmadagascar performed bringing life and laughter to the venue.

This was an opportunity for many over the period of the weekend to familiarize themselves with the African culture. Well our attendance was only on this particular day and it served very well as it brought about a sense of purpose for and event like this to take place. It was a warm reminder that Africans in Austria can stand united.

In this respect, Vas has done a wonderful job in creating awareness around the African Continent and culture, it was an event well enjoyed.




Written by: Lauren,  Photographs and videos by: Yeke & Lauren


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Lauren, a professional communications expert from South Africa, loves to learn new languages and cultures. She is always willing to share her expertise on the African culture and lifestyles. Through her social interactions with others, she decided her own social projects in her homeland to launch Africa.

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